Thursday, May 24, 2007

My sloppy 7

There is this meme going around about 7 random facts about myself. I will oblige. Here are my 7:

1. I never watch the television news. I prefer to stick my head in the sand. I am aware of the terrible crap that is going on around me. I know there is a war. I know there are causalties. I know there is massive poverty. I know there is some good and some bad. If I watched the daily news I would be not be able to smile. So I stick my head in the sand. It's better down here.

2. I love, love, love that my sons' favorite band is Led Zeppelin.

3. I DVR a soap opera everyday (I like to call it my "story" like my grandma did). This is a huge secret, SHHHHHH! I have been watching it for about 10 years now. Nobody but my family knows. The best part about it is that my boys know all of the characters and will randomly ask "Hey did Nick find out if he is the father of Carolines baby or is it the illegitimate brother's uncle's gardener?". So don't tell anyone or I could face total embarassment.

4. I HATE peas.

5. I can flick a beer cap over the entire length of my house, from one end to the other.

6. I have a pet turkey named Arnold.

7. I hate to admit it but I like golf. I played 18 this weekend and had a blast. My kind of sport is one that you can drink beer and tan yourself at he same time. WHO knew golf carts could be so much fun??


Anne Marie said...

So with you on the news. Every night J. turns it on, and I slink off to the computer.

Must have more info about your pet turkey!! Does he live in your backyard?

"M2" said...

I confess to not watching the news anymore.
I confess to DVR recording days of our lives.
I've been watching it since I was like 10
and when careers came I was unable.
Funny though... with the DVR it occurred to me to record it, and... it's as if the past 15 years of me missing it never happened.

wanted to say bye to you especially

walternatives said...

Do you have a turkey or does the turkey have you? Arnold is "sick." Did I use that in the right context?

Unknown said...

SO glad I stopped by. I DVR DOOL!!

LID 4/23/07