Thursday, December 28, 2006

The Magic 8 Ball

Last week I got an email from our adoption coordinator telling us we got our Log in Date!! It is December 18th, 2006, wahooo! This is a great big step. Now we just sit back and wait for the "big day". So to celebrate we decided to go chinese for dinner that night. Because I was driving around like a stripped assed ape that day, we ended up getting take out at Panda. After dinner we cracked open our fortune cookies and Mark's says "You will soon be crossing great waters" and Reed's says "A wish will be granted after a long delay". We were trippin. How did Panda know? So then we consulted the Magic 8 Ball to to ask it if our wish will be granted and will we be traveling before Christmas of 2008 and it said "Without a doubt". So, all future questions regarding our adoption will be answered by the Magic 8 Ball.


walternatives said...

I need a Magic 8 ball, too, for all my future adoption questions.
Happy New Year!

Dannye said...

The Magic 8 ball cannot tell a lie either (just ask it).

Happy New Years (and congrats on the LID!!!)

aimeeg said...

The Magic 8 Ball ALWAYS knows!! It was always right as a kid when I asked if I was going to skate couples at the skating rink that night, haha.

Congratulations on the LID--great news for the new year!