Fifteen years.
That is how long my Homeboy and I have been married. Today is our anniversary. Fifteen years.
The story of us began in early 1987. I had 'known' my Homeboy for a while. He was older. He was cool, he had a VW bus, he surfed, he had been to college out of state, he could drink beer. I was none of that, I was a punky 17 year old, fibbing to my parents about spending the night at my best friends house so I could go out and experience real high school parties (my strict father was in Law Enforcement. Yay me.). He had no idea who I was. Fast forward to age 21. My friends and I would go to a club and watch our friends' band play. My Homeboy was there, he said "You look familiar". We did tequila shots. We became friends. Fast forward a year, I had dated this guy I met in Palm Springs during spring break. He had just dumped me, I was heartbroken. Mr. Dumper happened to be in town one Saturday night and wanted to see me. I had already made plans to go out with my girlfriends that night, so I said "Sorry, I have plans". The plans I made were to go to a Going Away party for my friend, my Homeboy who was leaving for a 5 month surf tour through the South Pacific. I am so glad I didn't out with Mr. Dumper and I went to the party. In between tequila shots, I had a chance to talk to my Homeboy that night, really talk. We grabbed our beers, took some beach chairs and headed to a spot overlooking the lagoon. We talked for hours. We talked about life, our families, our friends, our likes, our dislikes and kids. He wanted KIDS. Bonus. I sent him off that night with a hug and he asked for my address. He said he would write. I said, "Yeah right." A few weeks later my mom came into my room (Yes, I still lived at home. Hey! WHO wouldn't like the 6pm dinner time and no cost laundry facility?), with a post card postmarked from Australia. He WROTE me. Every month for 5 months I would get a postcard postmarked from New Zealand, Fiji, Tasmania and Tahiti.
This photo was taken the night he returned 17 years ago and we haven't been apart since.
To my Homeboy,
Thank you for 15 amazing years. Thank you for being the best father two boys could ever ask for. Thank you for always carrying my paddleboard. Thank you for being you.
I love you.