Wednesday, December 3, 2008

One down, one to go......

  • My Thanksgiving was nice, thanks for asking. All I can say is Road Trip, and Homegirl is no fan of the road trip. Being in a car for hours on end not only makes me squirly and my booty ache, it is a sort of battleground for my Homies and me. Why does the car automatically cause a teenage boy to emit gaseous odors from his bum? Why does the car have to crap out at the Sonic parking lot, because I had to have a Cherry Limeade (a shout out to the dude at AAA for rescuing us). Why is it MY fault a certain 14 year old thinks I am the keeper of his ipod? Why does SoCal have to have the most people in the world traveling at the same time I did? Other than that it was great. Got to spend time with family and had a fantastic dinner, some shopping and a lots of movie watching. Good times. Next time we are flying, so you know. Well, now that Thanksgiving is in the bag, it's on to Christmas. Onward soliders!
  • Speaking of Christmas. I just am getting around to thinking about shopping. You would think that the army of family members I have to buy for I would be more efficient in planning and shopping. Yeah, NO that would not be me. I did some ordering online last night. 4 down, 22 to go. I need to campaign for the "pick a name out of the hat" kind of Christmas. Nobody will go for it. Happy Christmas, A-holes (said with love).
  • I have signed up to do the Breast Cancer 3 Day again. I really needed the year off to heal my battlewounds wounds and get through this house project. Now that it is finished I can focus on non-house related things, like trying to shed this Mycontractorisagiantdickhead 15 lbs I gained during this whole thing. I am looking forward to training again, the weekend walks and seeing my teammates regularly again.
  • I really CANNOT stand that mom from John and Hate plus 8 show. It was on the other night when I was cleaning the kitchen and can I just say that that chick grates on every nerve I have? I mean, if I popped out a litter of kiddies, and got a show out of it where they send me on lavish trips to depict "real life". I would certainly have pulled the stick out of my ass.
  • Do you see a trend of trend of surliness in this post? I do, and it is scary....
  • I made homemade bread for the first time in my life yesterday. OK, who ever invented flour and yeast has my undying love and gratitude. Who knew I could bake bread? It was actually simple. I used the recipe from this chick and not only made the rolls but 2 loves of bread. And guess what? I didn't suck! And I wonder where that 15 lbs came from.
Well thats about it, for the mind of me. Nothing too exciting to report other than I must be PMS-ing deluxe by re-reading this post. Off to the drugstore for an economy sized bottle of Extra Srength Mid0l.

ENJOY. I did!
See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die


4D said...

I LOVE FOD!! That is a great video.

I may have to online shop this year as I have no time to get to the mall.

Keep smilin!

Mamacita said...

Catchy tune! I like it!

Wow. You really make me fear for Christmas....we do the dreaded Colorado Trifecta. Three Christmases in three about 15 pounds!

Anonymous said...

It took me a while to like that John and Kate show. Their kid Aiden reminds me of Zubin.

wzgirl said...

Surliness is good, my friend! And so are you for signing up for the 3-Day. You are my inspiration! Thanks for that.
