Wednesday, December 31, 2008

That's me....

Yes, my friends.....Homegirl is 40 today. I hear it's the new 30. I am banking on that.
40th blowout party on Saturday night. Embarrassing and unflattering photos to follow, I'm sure.


Rhonda said...

I've already wished you a happy birthday in two other places, but let me say it again...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope it's fabulous! :)

M and M said...



I HOPE that 40 is the new 30 as I am there too!

There is something wrong with your blog - Photobucket images everywhere.

"M" said...

Happy Birthday! I turned 40 in February, and must admit that it has been a pretty good year. Hope you have a great celebration.

walternatives said...

Happy Birthday! Looking forward to the pics from Saturday's bash and hearing about the birthday loot, too.

Juliette said...

Have a wonderful one!
Happy Birthday!

Mamacita said...

Welcome to the club. I hope you have a great birthday! Big hugs!

P.S. I'm going backwards now...therefore I'm 39.

D & S said...

Happy birthday! Hope you have a blast.

Yoli said...

Happy New Year and Happy Birthday!!!

wzgirl said...

Happy Belated BDay, you. I'm sure it was quite the blowout! Here's to a fab 2009. xo