Friday, May 9, 2008


According to NBC I am a non-mom. You see, NBC is hosting a show recognizing mom's in celebration of Mothers Day (you can see the promo for site here). Wonderful, right? Wrong. They have their moms categorized in different groups: Working mom, Single mom, Military mom, etc.... Here is how they categorize the NON-MOM:

The non-mom mom

Grandparent, stepmom, or mom to adopted children, each one raising and loving a child. A priceless gift for everybody.


Now, all of you adoptive mothers, I ask you: Do you think you are any less a mom becasue your children are adopted. To our Pre-adoptive parents: Do you think you will be any less of a mom to your adopted children or that of your bio children?

This is so ridiculous I can't even see straight. If you are as pissed as I am, PLEASE, please contact NBC and share your outrage that the Executives would be so ignorant as to put Adoptive mothers an category of Non-moms
. The is the email for NBC. Here is the email for the show.

Now the topper on the NBC shit cake is that fellow adoptive mother Marie Osmond is hosting this show. How in her right mind would she endorse something so OBVIOUSLY WRONG. I
dare them to introduce her as "Host and Non-mom Marie Osmond". You can email her here and tell her what you think.

This calls for a revolution.


Rhonda said...

I'm beyond sickened by the entire concept...

Maia said...

It's deplorable. This really shows that adoption has still not come to be understood in our world. May it change soon. A revolution is right.

And on a totally different note...happy mother's day, sexy mama!
Wishing you a gorgeous weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hello Lisa,

My name is Melissa, and I work with Edelman on behalf of Teleflora’s “America’s Favorite Mom” program. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this issue. After closer examination, Teleflora recognized how this may have been offensive to moms who have adopted children… moms who are indeed real moms in every sense of the word. This show of insensitivity was in no way intended and Teleflora offers its deepest apology (see update on It was always Teleflora’s intent to salute and celebrate all moms.

Please know that in response to the concerns expressed, Teleflora immediately changed the name of the “Non-Mom” category to “Adopting Moms,” which has already been posted on the site.

On behalf of Teleflora, I would like to offer my sincerest best wishes to you on this Mother’s Day. Congratulations on the adoption of your new daughter.

Warm Regards, Melissa

D & S said...

This is getting really tiring, why make distinctions? A family is a family, no matter how they were formed. Adoptive moms are MOMS, period.