Thursday, August 2, 2007

Doggie crack

Whoever developed glucosamine/chondroidin for dogs (ok, and people too) is a genius. I started giving Bailey, our 9 year old bassett hound, one tablet everyday. She is a new dog. She has gone from lounging like a drunk sailor, to breaking into a trot, yes, you heard me Bailey trotted! This morning she followed me all around the house. Now, normally in the morning she will notice me, give me peep through the droopy eye and go back to sleep. Nope, not today she was hot on my heals following me from room to room and she even greeted the plumber. This stuff is like crack for dogs. It's awesome.

This was taken about 15 minutes ago. Fatty Boom-a-latty busted a major move and she is now officially spent.


Glinda said...

Just stopping by to say I love your blog design and your wittiness; birds of a feather...

aimeeg said...

I was expecting a pic of your dog's butt after reading the title.

walternatives said...

Bailey TROTTED? Do you have a video camera? I'd pay to see that. Is $5 fair?

Stephanie said...

Oooh, I want to kiss your dog. She looks like a fat little sausage link and I mean that in the nicest way.

Anne Marie said...

Go Bailey!