Sunday, August 12, 2007

Off like a prom dress

I'm outta here for a few days. At the end of each summer I like to take off and let the boys pick what they want to do. This year they want to go to Universal Studios. So, it's off to Burbank for me. Whoopeeeee! Two days of shlepping from line to line in 95 degree heat with the European guy in front of me who has never heard the word DEODORANT. Ahhhh, good times. The best part of the next two days is our hotel is two blocks down from the original Bob's Big Boy (I think the only one left in California and/or the US) and I will be ordering a HUGE stack of pancakes.

The three of us have fun wherever we go, so an amazing time lay ahead. Yeah, I need to get out of here and ride a rollercoaster. Later Skaters.


aimeeg said...

Have an awesome time!! Just be sure to eat those pancakes well before the smelly guy gets his pit stink near you. I know you've been craving--wouldn't want that ruined.

Scream loud, eyes open, no hands, baby!

walternatives said...

Bon voyage and happy pancake consumption!

Anne Marie said...

Yay! Pancakes! Have a fantastic time. I went to Universal Studios when I was 11 and I LOVED it -- still remember it vividly!

Stephanie said...

Oooh, Big Boy!!!! That was my first job ever. I was 17 and thought I wanted to get a job. I was a waitress and I lasted 1 month. It's been years but I can still taste their Brawny Lad. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Have fun with the boys!

Alana said...

if you keep driving and get to Santa can go to the original and only remaining Sambos!!

Alana said...

in reference to your comment on my blog! HOLY HELL! I thought I was the only person in the universe who thought Bourdain was hot!! I watch No Reservations like it is porn...

"M2" said...

fun fun........... back to the future ride is the bestest

Headmeister said...

Ok, so I'm just catching up with these post - TOO FUNNY about the I hear ya about the meltdown - I am in total denial. But we should get to know each other - I didn't even realize til now that our LID are only 2 weeks apart... Who knows, we could be in China together one day :) Have a GREAT time sniffing foreigners ;) BTW, Veruca was a "Bad Egg" and got dropped down the chute. Violet Beauregard was the blueberry. I should know - I usually go on Halloween as an Oompa Loompa and roll in my handmade Violet with me ;) (not kidding! lol!)

Elizabeth said...

Have a blast!
We will be takin goff next week too. So See you in Septmember!