Sunday, August 26, 2007

Note to self

Get baby girl a map.


Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

I feel very good about myself right now.

Cavatica said...

Holy cow. I'm speechless.

Mamacita said...

Holy. Crap. I'm. Floored. sad.

such as....

D & S said...

What the hell was that? And I thought I didn't handle pressure well.

aimeeg said...

Ha, Mike just played that for me last night. All I could say was "WTF??"

M and M said...

Wow...don't even know what to say.

kitchu said...

Well, such as, as it is, I'm not in South Africa but I'd like to build up my future by, such as, mapping a map of our nation the U.S, such as so as to find it better.

I cannot stop laughing.

kitchu said...

And I saw THIS one LIVE. Then promptly changed the channel.

John & Michelle said...

Holy Crap is right! I hope she never sees that clip or she may need to be hospitalized!

Elizabeth said...


insanemommy said...


"M2" said...

so proud to be living in this area!!!!
now you see why I poke so much fun at my location.

Yoli said...

I am also speechless.

Anne Marie said...

I heard about it but couldn't bring myself to watch the meltdown until now. Sheesh...