Friday, September 28, 2007

Alert the media......she's going camping

Yes, you heard that correctly, I am going camping this weekend. We are going out to our friends' property and hanging out at a music festival for the weekend. Sounds great, yeah? Except one small thing. I hate to camp. My hubby on the other hand LOVES to camp. How did we ever hook up? Opposites TOTALLY attract.

Anyway, this is my husbands idea of camping:

This is mineI've packed enough wine for a small community of alcoholics, so I should be OK. My hubby said this will be practice for the 2 days I will be tent camping for the Breast Cancer 3-Day. Ugggg don't remind me.

Catch ya on the flip side.


Anonymous said...

Mr P and I are the opposite as well, except I'm the camper. Be happy that your husband's idea of camping at least includes something with wheels! Have fun on your trip!

Mamacita said...

If you drink enough wine, you won't care how bad you smell or how f'ed up your hair is, and you might actually be able to sleep on the ground....when you pass out that is! Have fun! (I'm chuckling as I say that!)

Stephanie said...

That's us too. My idea of camping is in a cottage. However, I must say I'm a sucker for that VW camper though. Being a beetle owner and all ya know.

Christine said...

Camping!? Does that come in a five star thing?
We have friends that camp- we send the boys to enjoy the "experience" and have a peaceful rest at home in peace & quiet. Gotta be chosey about your friends...

Unknown said...

beautiful! blog!

Yoli said...

You poor woman. How did my tiger lily end up camping? Is he trying to kill you? You don't do camping!

Anonymous said...

we own a trailer but never camp with it. It is nuts. I own my own portable shower though. I bring that and a cosmo with me when I camp. Jews are not know for their camping.

Diane said...

Good thinking on the wine. Just drink your way through the camping. It will be all right.

M and M said...

I could do the camper thing - of either size, but I am NOT good with tents...

"M2" said...

I despise camping.........I concur with mrs thankful something has wheels.

The man camps in the mountains with a sleeping bag in the winter
He grows a beard and they photo eachother with ice on them
frozen solid beards

what fun.......NOT

If I had to go, I'd go with you

Maia said...

Hope you guys had a fabulous trip! We just got back from camping ourselves, and I will say that there WAS a little wine involved!!
I love the VW picture...that's awesome!

walternatives said...

Wondering if you survived...

insanemommy said...

Which one are you staying in though?