Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Meet My Guy

This guy has not had any blog time yet. This is my honey. He has been gone for five days fishing in a Marlin tournament and I missed him. Especially when there was a noise at night and I didn't have anyone to investigate the potential intruder alert. He kinda looks like a bad ass in this picture, but he is a giant softy bear. I guess this is what 5 days in a tuna tower does to a guy.


Anonymous said...

I think he looks rugged and sexy there. Good job, Lisa!

Stephanie said...

Nice Catch!

Cavatica said...

Glad he's back!

4D said...

Good stuff that your fisherman is home! Ruggedy goodness!

Keep smilin!

walternatives said...

Great photo, bad ass expression and all, though I think I prefer him grinning. How did he do in the tourney?

insanemommy said...

Bad ass? I say delicious! Oh, did I say that out loud?! Lucky you! I clearly understand the clean shaven legs and the clean sheets. We all have our vices. Not a bad vice... Lol..

Mamacita said...

Very nice looking and surfer like. Just as I suspected.

Christine said...

Is his look that of "I caught the biggest fish & proud of it!" or "Dang- I need another week fishing?"

Anne Marie said...

I'm pretty sure I've seen a picture of him smiling somewhere in internetville -- he looks good either way! I always have to check the locks twice when J's away, and hope that the dog barks instead of befriends any intruders.

M and M said...

Wow - he looks close to what I pictured in my head.

Not that I sit around and picture you husband in my head or anything...